Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

ok...when did i last do this???

it has been forever and three quarters, lovers and friends!

i write to you all after my desperate housewives and right before i take a shower as i have clinicals tomorrow morning. i just thought i'd share some festivities for good measure. so my bertday was last week, and i appreciate all the love that i've been receiving. i mean, seriously, i don't usually get that much love. okaaay! what else? what did i get? i got dinners, concealer, a crown, a badge with a shot glass attached to it, cards, and a new watch to aid in my recording of vital signs. now i don't have to pretend to be taking pulses!

the other night i was at the blue monkey and had a touch too many drinks. i calculated it, and it would be equivalent to almost 10 shots. i know, i know...but i don't have much bodice mass! so yes, i did magic in the parking lot for the first tyme since i was like...5. no, i do not drink that much! stop!

before my desperate housewives acted desparate on the television screen for me, i cleaned my apartment, naturally, lit some candles and had a lovely dining moment.

oh, and upon further percolating, i have a peeling i will not be able to purchase my Audi A5 as it will cost me nine million dollars. wait...not really. let's just say my baby will be my third car. my honda will always be my number one. i'll McPurchase a C class after nursing skool, and when i gather enough funds, the A5 will be mine! sounds like a plan, right? okaaay!

what else? why on earth am i boring you with my exhausting thoughts? go do something celebratory. bask in some wonderment. i need to wash my bodice....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


it has been forever and an eternity with a cherry on top since i've had internet access that was actually fast! this is me welcoming myself back to the land of all that is high speed internet. the at&t guy visited me today and made my internet service work. how i miss mariahdaily.com. yay!

nursing skool has been festive. lots of great folks and an interesting group of instructors. miss montgomery is the sweetest thing on the planet.i've been doing wonderously in my classes. we are in betwixt VN103, and Anatomy & Phisiology and dosage calcuations right now. pharmacology will begin soon. i'm really enjoying those ten minute breaks every fifty minutes. so
um...hm. i'm a bit at a loss for words right now as i am a touch tired. tired with a touch of oooh la la. my next entry will be much more glorious.

meanwhile, here is a fun one from CPR training day.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

standards of festivity

the other night was miss reese's birthday extravaganza at the standard hotel in downtown los angeles. t'was the quintessential embodiment of all that is wonderous in an evening. we had a pleasant dinner, a festive bathtub full of alcohol, and a roof top complete with nauseating waterbed pods...oh and annoying bitches in the pool that splash you, and an unattractive white bitch who decides to swim topless.

i had the benzo washed and met with the folks at the orsini, purchased ice to fill the tub and proceeded to the hotel. miss reese got "wow" suite number 1012 and that's where we had our first shots of patron with the other folks. we got our wristbands and had dinner. i had a delightful burger and mel had a surprisingly good macaroni and cheese. it was wonderous how miss reesie-poo secretly paid for the entire meal. we go back to the hotel room and take pics with the giant foot, and drink some more. i had another shot of patron, a shot of some chocolate cake something-or-other, a cranberry vodka, and a cranberry hypnotic. i also had a big gulp of mel's crown and coke. so was i almost drunk? yup. the room is equipped with these drapes that act as partitions and i swear i thought that one of the drapes was an actual wall and i leaned on it and smacked right into the actual wall it was draped against.

the folks and i proceed to the roof where festive moments awaited. mel and i walked by the pool to check out the place, and this ugly asian bitch and her friends in the pool were like-- "if you keep standing there we're going to pull you in!" and splashed us. then there was this white bitch who was swimming with her female friend topless...and her tits weren't even nice. ew!

but yeah. so we danced a little, chatted a bit with the folks, and took fotographs. we even saw a black tranny with a dude at the bar. someone grabbed my ass. my face was not so much red from the alcohol, but more of a burnt orange, as the redness blended with my tan. i had a chat with someone that apparently lasted for ages, as there are pics to prove it. some people's outfits provided fodder for a quick commentary or four. oh, and lots of PDA. i can't handle it...

all in all, t'was a lovely evening, and i had a great tyme with my folks. it's so much fun when you and your peoples can easily say with confidence that you're the hottest ones at the place. okaaay!

Monday, June 16, 2008


just a little something i made...

Thursday, June 12, 2008


me and my dearest friend of all--- Photoshop! yay! so i will, yet again, look absolutely smoldering, thanks to some VERY VERY SLIGHT spramping with the McPhotoshop...heck, i'll do you too, if you're in a pic with me. okaaaay!

Monday, June 9, 2008


so it's not quite finished yet, but i thought it would be a festive moment if i updated you a touch.

as you can see, the body of the house is virginia vine, and the trim is spanish moss. the door and trim and chimney and a few patches of stucco need addressing, otherwise, you get the idea of the "look". note how the plants pop next to the green. what else? i went ice skating today for the first time ever ever ever! ok. till next blog.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

congrats to my grad!

my jackie graduated with her BSN today! yay. t'was all spectacularity at CSUB and lots of pomp and circumstance filled the warm bakersfield air. but yeah. i'm so proud of my baby, and can't wait till she purchases her benz. i'd also like to congratulate my 3tards, as they finished highschool...but anyway...hooray for jackie!

Monday, June 2, 2008

pageantry of byuuuti

so i recently attended the Ms. Philippines Beauty Pageant (er...popularity contest) a couple of days ago at the Hilton Hotel, LAX. T'was a lovely night as i was with my 3tards and aunt fabulousity. the event was held by a Filipino humanitarian organization that likes to help hospitals and children and children in hospitals in the Philippines. AMR or something. so the fun wasn't so much the ceremony itself, as it was a bore.

well, let me tell you...

the event was hosted by some Filipino D-List celebrity and last year's Miss Philippines winner, Sheila Ferrari. no, i'm not kidding. that's really her name...it sounds like the name of a porn star or a stripper or a hooker. and what's even funnier is that she LOOKED the part. equipped with coloured contacts, falsies, hair extensions, and an awful cleavage-baring dress, Miss Ferrari sang the American national anthem. her voice is pretty, but she kept trying to channel Xtina Aguilera and ended up over-singing. she was even tossing her hair whilst she was singing. but yeah. she was a joke. she kept trying to act cute and be funny, and spoke with a baby voice, but was annoying instead. i swear her tits were fake...she kept shaking them whilst she was up at the podium announcing beauty pageant things.

it was fun listening to the fobs speak. they liked to say, "I would like to call on_____, to please come up da eeeeeestage." at one point Bernard Parks showed his support and did a little schpiel and one of the fobbish women was like---"Bernard Park, thank you so maash por dropping!" dropping what? lol. they provided lots of fodder throughout the evening for me to make fun of. it was hillarity at my table.

the most boring part of the event was the actual crowning ceremony. it was awful. it lasted for an eternity. there are three categories for the beauty queens. we have Mrs. Philippines, Miss Philippines, and Miss Teen Philippines. and each one has a Universe, World, and some 3rd place fancy name as well. so each one of those was crowned and the name of the person who would be placing the crown on the winner's head and the person pinning the sash were announced, and in betwixt each one there was an endless photo-session extravaganza as there was a line of paparazzi. after all nine women were crowned, i swear it had to be over 12 talent awards were handed out and after each one, an inspirational soft rock classic would play... the most ridiculous being the winner of the Lugaw Competition...they F-ing played Wind Beneath my Wings! lord...

so jonathan and I had our favourites for the Miss Philippines segment, because two of the girls were very fierce throughout the whole thing. the winner, Charlene, was a joke. she's in eighth grade, and i swear she has watched EVERY single episode of Top Model and the Tyra Banks show because she was very beyonce/tyra/top model/tranny-fierce. the way she would strike a pose to the beat of the music, and walk around like she was on a runway was a joke. i was wondering how she became so fierce, and it turns out her vocal coach and mentor is none other than miss spectacularity herself, Sheila Ferrari...making a baby-prostitute out of Miss Charlene.

but yeah. after the endless ceremony finally ended, we shook it up on the dance floor. me and jubilee had a wonderous tyme copying this silly white guy attempting to dance. it was a lovely night, but i don't think i ever want to do this again. unless of course, my jubilee is a participant...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

i had to...

so i passed by macy's the other day and i made a purchase...

so now i'm matsing with my david beckham...
you can too

i also bought the Fresh Pink by C-in2 hip briefs, exclusively at Freshpair, as well as the "Fire" C-in2 hip briefs in tarmac green and orange from skiviez.

...because you know how much i love underwears

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Ivy

So me, jenny, and chistianne had a wonderfill luncheon at the ivy yesterday. the food was ok, but the ambiance was nice. oh, and our waiter was cute, and so were the two guys seated next to us. we requested the patio where the soft diffused lack-of-sun looked gorgeous, and all the beautiful folks can see us. half way through our meal, former model and star of Celebrity Rehab, Brigitte Nielsen was leaving the restaurant very pop-starly, and recognized a gentlemen sitting two tables from us and the hugged and chatted right next to ours. she's uber tall, and uber european-sounding.

so we shopped for a bit along Robertson Blvd and spectacularity occured as we were waiting for the Beemer to be delivered by the valet. we saw paparazzi and giant light diffusers in the middle of an intersection...so you know we had to see who it was. who shops on robertson? nearly every celebrity that resides in LA. well, it was our dearest Lindsey Lohan. she was surrounded by the paparazzi and it took forever and a half to walk from point A to point B because they wouldn't stop taking pictures. she was headed to the ivy to have lunch. she and her entourage stood in front of the restaurant for a couple of minutes (she was standing an arm's distance from us) and then they decided not to lunch at the ivy and J-walked across the street, and naturally, all of the paparazzi ran as well, with no regard for the traffic that might run them over. it was a joke. so yeah, i have pictures. lindsey didn't seem too happy. almost depressed...either that or suffering from withdrawals...

after all of the magic, jenny and i headed to Fred Segal and we parked next to a Cadillac DTS (i know, very old white people) that belonged to Jonah Hill, who i think is annoying, but i did find him a little bit amusing in Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Congrats!...i guess....

OMG! it's official...my mariah is married to nick cannon!

the two were married at her home in the bahamas last week. naturally, all the rumours were correct. i'm not too sure how to feel about this one. i mean, it just seems very "hollywood-not going to last very long" to me. hopefully i'm wrong. according to the report on mariahdaily.com, she's happy. so i'll be happy for her. it's just that...nick cannon? that's like nickelodeon, men in black, and drumline. for more details, check out People magazine this friday (the 9th).

Jacob the Jeweler made her ring... are you in?? ok. a ten carat emerald cut pink diamond surrounded by smaller round pink diamonds, and two half moon diamonds flank the magic. it's a joke. a total of seventeen carats, valued at 2.5 million dollars. yup. my mariah's finger is frozen (and i thought those Van Cleef and Arpels butterflies where ice).

check out mariah's new video for "Bye Bye". look for it on ewetube.



so i saw Wicked with the PCC URA yesternight. i carpooled with flo, as we didn't want to take the train. i thought the show was a delight. it was all spectacularity, and the humour that i find funny, and flashing lights, and smoke, and glitter, and gays. it was about three hours long, and surprisingly, i didn't find all the singing annoying. i think it's because the songs are cute. you know what else was cute? all the references to dorothy from the wizard of oz. i only have one question...how on earth did the cowardly lion become a cowardly lion? no comprende...

but anywho, i recommend this to all my people (who just lost somebody:-)

so me and flo sat next to this couple ( i think the guy's gay), and we ran into them at Mel's Diner after the show and he waved excitedly to me.

so yeah. wicked. wonderment. t'was done really well, and i'd love to see it from the front row next time.

Monday, May 5, 2008

We Belong Together...

Meet the Audi A5. this is what gorgeous looks like...
i love how the xenon LEDs say "POW!"
i'll be rolling in one of these by Christmas 2009. okaaay!


lovers and friends...

if you're one of the lucky ducks who actually knows where yours truly resides, DO take the opportunity to drive by, as a visual delight awaits;)

for a bit of background, chez moi has been in dire need of a paint job since...well, since we've moved here years-and-a-half ago. the white trim done by idiot painters is peeling and chipping and doing everything it shouldn't be doing. father dearest, who has tackled all the not-so-pretties of the house has decided he's ready to take on the big house painting project extravaganza.

now our house doesn't look like much, but the roofline in the front is a bit on the crazy side. parts of it are really high. i mean, our ladder can reach it, but the trim needs to be sanded and spramped, and it's just really awkward. being the gifted handy craftsman my pops is, he builds scaffolding around the front of the house. delightful, kind of, right??? okaaay. i took some pics, and some of them look almost artsy, yet not so.

oh, and as for paint colours, i'm considering virginia vine (olive-greenish) and black truffle (a really dark blackish-brown).

Sunday, May 4, 2008

what on earth did i just do?!

hello all. during this lovely sunday afternoon, i was contemplating this whole "blog" thing. i figured it might be somewhat of a good time for me to have one of these, so here i am.

hm...i made a visit to the Americana at Brand in...er...beautiful (wink) Glendale, CA today. this is another one of Caruso's fabulous shopping centers full of spectacularity and fairy dust, but wait...there's more---condos and apartments. i think it would be kinda cool to have a view of the fountain from the window of your budoir...as well as tourists and old people that hog all of the wicker chairs in the seating areas by the foutain. i found it almost amusing how Peter Alexander used the Abercrombie marketing strategy of contracting models. they had this hot guy in a pair of pajama bottoms distributing pastries to the store's patrons. several other models wearing bedroom-type ensembles whilst carrying balloons and flyers galavanted about the Americana promoting the store. t'was a delight. so did i make any purchases? a few. did i tip the guy who tended the men's restroom? of course. did i experience a wall of smell at least once? don't get me started...
This is Brandon, our favourite pastry-distributor