Sunday, October 5, 2008

ok...when did i last do this???

it has been forever and three quarters, lovers and friends!

i write to you all after my desperate housewives and right before i take a shower as i have clinicals tomorrow morning. i just thought i'd share some festivities for good measure. so my bertday was last week, and i appreciate all the love that i've been receiving. i mean, seriously, i don't usually get that much love. okaaay! what else? what did i get? i got dinners, concealer, a crown, a badge with a shot glass attached to it, cards, and a new watch to aid in my recording of vital signs. now i don't have to pretend to be taking pulses!

the other night i was at the blue monkey and had a touch too many drinks. i calculated it, and it would be equivalent to almost 10 shots. i know, i know...but i don't have much bodice mass! so yes, i did magic in the parking lot for the first tyme since i was like...5. no, i do not drink that much! stop!

before my desperate housewives acted desparate on the television screen for me, i cleaned my apartment, naturally, lit some candles and had a lovely dining moment.

oh, and upon further percolating, i have a peeling i will not be able to purchase my Audi A5 as it will cost me nine million dollars. wait...not really. let's just say my baby will be my third car. my honda will always be my number one. i'll McPurchase a C class after nursing skool, and when i gather enough funds, the A5 will be mine! sounds like a plan, right? okaaay!

what else? why on earth am i boring you with my exhausting thoughts? go do something celebratory. bask in some wonderment. i need to wash my bodice....

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