Monday, May 5, 2008


lovers and friends...

if you're one of the lucky ducks who actually knows where yours truly resides, DO take the opportunity to drive by, as a visual delight awaits;)

for a bit of background, chez moi has been in dire need of a paint job since...well, since we've moved here years-and-a-half ago. the white trim done by idiot painters is peeling and chipping and doing everything it shouldn't be doing. father dearest, who has tackled all the not-so-pretties of the house has decided he's ready to take on the big house painting project extravaganza.

now our house doesn't look like much, but the roofline in the front is a bit on the crazy side. parts of it are really high. i mean, our ladder can reach it, but the trim needs to be sanded and spramped, and it's just really awkward. being the gifted handy craftsman my pops is, he builds scaffolding around the front of the house. delightful, kind of, right??? okaaay. i took some pics, and some of them look almost artsy, yet not so.

oh, and as for paint colours, i'm considering virginia vine (olive-greenish) and black truffle (a really dark blackish-brown).

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