Sunday, May 4, 2008

what on earth did i just do?!

hello all. during this lovely sunday afternoon, i was contemplating this whole "blog" thing. i figured it might be somewhat of a good time for me to have one of these, so here i am.

hm...i made a visit to the Americana at Brand (wink) Glendale, CA today. this is another one of Caruso's fabulous shopping centers full of spectacularity and fairy dust, but wait...there's more---condos and apartments. i think it would be kinda cool to have a view of the fountain from the window of your well as tourists and old people that hog all of the wicker chairs in the seating areas by the foutain. i found it almost amusing how Peter Alexander used the Abercrombie marketing strategy of contracting models. they had this hot guy in a pair of pajama bottoms distributing pastries to the store's patrons. several other models wearing bedroom-type ensembles whilst carrying balloons and flyers galavanted about the Americana promoting the store. t'was a delight. so did i make any purchases? a few. did i tip the guy who tended the men's restroom? of course. did i experience a wall of smell at least once? don't get me started...
This is Brandon, our favourite pastry-distributor

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