Sunday, June 22, 2008

standards of festivity

the other night was miss reese's birthday extravaganza at the standard hotel in downtown los angeles. t'was the quintessential embodiment of all that is wonderous in an evening. we had a pleasant dinner, a festive bathtub full of alcohol, and a roof top complete with nauseating waterbed pods...oh and annoying bitches in the pool that splash you, and an unattractive white bitch who decides to swim topless.

i had the benzo washed and met with the folks at the orsini, purchased ice to fill the tub and proceeded to the hotel. miss reese got "wow" suite number 1012 and that's where we had our first shots of patron with the other folks. we got our wristbands and had dinner. i had a delightful burger and mel had a surprisingly good macaroni and cheese. it was wonderous how miss reesie-poo secretly paid for the entire meal. we go back to the hotel room and take pics with the giant foot, and drink some more. i had another shot of patron, a shot of some chocolate cake something-or-other, a cranberry vodka, and a cranberry hypnotic. i also had a big gulp of mel's crown and coke. so was i almost drunk? yup. the room is equipped with these drapes that act as partitions and i swear i thought that one of the drapes was an actual wall and i leaned on it and smacked right into the actual wall it was draped against.

the folks and i proceed to the roof where festive moments awaited. mel and i walked by the pool to check out the place, and this ugly asian bitch and her friends in the pool were like-- "if you keep standing there we're going to pull you in!" and splashed us. then there was this white bitch who was swimming with her female friend topless...and her tits weren't even nice. ew!

but yeah. so we danced a little, chatted a bit with the folks, and took fotographs. we even saw a black tranny with a dude at the bar. someone grabbed my ass. my face was not so much red from the alcohol, but more of a burnt orange, as the redness blended with my tan. i had a chat with someone that apparently lasted for ages, as there are pics to prove it. some people's outfits provided fodder for a quick commentary or four. oh, and lots of PDA. i can't handle it...

all in all, t'was a lovely evening, and i had a great tyme with my folks. it's so much fun when you and your peoples can easily say with confidence that you're the hottest ones at the place. okaaay!

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